
Showing posts from December, 2020

I know why Ovarian Cancer is called the Silent Killer

I know why Ovarian Cancer is called the Silent Killer.  The symptoms are so subtle, so common to other things, that you would never guess you have an unwelcome guest residing in your pelvis and abdomen. In August, I noticed a very subtle feeling in my lower left pelvic area around where I guessed was my left ovary. It was nothing really. Just felt like I had a full bladder or maybe a touch of constipation. I only felt it at night when I laid on my left side and got the sudden urge to hop up and pee. When I started my period, the feeling subsided, so I chalked it up to the fact I was about to start. In September, I felt the same sensation, only more so. It was more constant. I also noticed I had to go pee after every single class period and at least 3 or 4 times during the night. I remember just feeling crummy, but not understanding why. I was chalking it up to the fact I really needed to lose weight and start eating better.  Not many knew, but I had also tried again for baby #2. So som